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Island Souls Page 4

  Her heart lifted at the sound. She loved a good thunderstorm, and these tropical ones were some of the best she’d ever seen. They were probably going to be a little wet and cold come morning, but she didn’t care. She wanted to soak up every experience—both good and bad—to take them all back to civilisation with her. Live for the now and forget what the future might hold.


  Sand crunched beneath his Nikes, leaving spots of white, like dandruff all over the black fabric of his shoes. JJ would love to take his shoes off, feel the warm sand between his toes. It’d be cooler too, if he wasn’t wearing black shoes and black jeans. But that was the price of being the Sea Quest host. He’d an image to keep up.

  The early morning still held an edge of crispness, but that wouldn’t last long. The tropical sun would soon burn the last of the fresh night air away. That was one of the reasons he liked to conduct these daily interviews first thing in the morning. The other was the fact that team members were perky, relatively full after a breakfast of rice and beans, and ready and willing to chat with him. It gave him an insight as to how each team was faring. How each individual was tackling the many hurdles he and his crew were throwing at them.

  They’d landed at Nightrebels’ beach this morning. There wasn’t enough time to interview everyone every day, and he normally only talked to two or three of them. Today it was going to be Rosa and Hayden. JJ’s eyebrows lowered at the thought of talking to both those two, and he silently wondered if it was Nigel, the director’s version of a sick joke. But of course the director couldn’t know anything of how JJ was affected by Rosa. Or Hayden. So it was more likely because the director thought there was some kind of relationship forming between Hayden and Rosa. A tasty titbit for the viewer to watch, if JJ could get them to admit to anything on camera. Which made JJ’s brows lower even more.

  ‘Hi, JJ.’ Rosa waved at him as he trudged up the beach.

  ‘Hello, Rosa.’ He was unable to stop the wide grin splitting his face at the sight of her. She practically danced on the spot, bare toes digging into the sand, hair bouncing on her shoulders. Her enthusiasm made him want to smile even wider. It wormed its way into his soul somehow. Seeing her happy made him happy. Which was just plain stupid. But there was no time to psychoanalyse himself right now, so he shrugged off the negative thoughts and kept his smile bright.

  ‘Are you interviewing me today?’

  ‘Yes. You and Hayden are my two victims today.’

  ‘Yay.’ Rosa clapped her hands with glee. He saw Hayden turn at the mention of his name. Inclining his head in JJ’s direction, Hayden acknowledged the host.

  ‘You can talk to Rosa first,’ said Hayden. ‘I’m still finishing my chores.’ JJ noted he was carrying a large metal pot and some smaller utensils as he headed towards the ocean. He must be on washing up duty. With no detergent, they cleaned everything with sea water and sand. Crude but relatively effective.

  ‘Shall we go and take a seat.’ JJ indicated the normal spot, well away from the camp in the shade of a large tropical almond tree. He could see the camera crew already set up; they knew the drill well by this stage. They both took a seat, him on the large fallen log, her on the boulder set in the sand next to him.

  ‘Is this all going to be on the record?’ she asked, keeping her tone light, but her perceptive gaze flickered towards the cameraman.

  ‘Yes, it is.’ He hoped she got the answer she needed from those three little words. His unstated meaning; don’t say anything you don’t want four million other people hearing.

  ‘So, we’re half way through the game now. How’s it all going for you?’ He started the interview with an old favourite. Rosa drew in a breath and cast her eyes towards the sky, searching for the words she needed. It gave him time to finally take a proper look at her for the first time today. But this wasn’t just a clinical examination, more like he was imbibing the essence of Rosa. She looked good. Today she had a pink tank top and shorts slipped on over her swimmers. Her skin was still damp from where she’d come out of the water just before he and the crew arrived. If it was actually possible for someone who’d just spent the past twenty days on a desert island with little food, little sleep, no shower or toilet and no clean clothes to look as fresh as a daisy, then Rosa came damn close.

  It was only the second time he’d interviewed her like this. The first time had been three days into the game, and he was keen to find out what, if anything, had changed for Rosa since then.

  ‘Things are going well,’ she said, tone a tad more circumspect now they were being filmed. ‘I mean apart from the physical hardships, like being completely starving to death. Like, all the time.’ She placed a hand over her stomach to emphasise how empty it was. JJ took the opportunity to study her for any signs of malnutrition. Rosa had been slim when she started this game, and now, while she must’ve lost a least a couple of pounds, she wasn’t looking nearly as haggard as some of the other contestants. Almost as if island life agreed with her.

  ‘And not getting enough sleep,’ she continued, prodding at the skin beneath her eyes. ‘I mean, I can’t see what I look like, but I’m sure there are some pretty humungous dark circles going on down there.’ He just nodded his agreement. Not able to tell her that she actually looked pretty damn good to him.

  ‘The physical hardships are tough,’ he acknowledged. ‘But I’m wondering more about how you’re coping mentally.’

  ‘No beating around the bush with you, is there, JJ?’ she said, laughing. ‘Go for the jugular every time, hey?’ She placed a slim hand on his knee to soften her words. It was a totally unconscious move on her part, just her vivacious nature coming into play. He felt the heat of her palm even through the fabric of his jeans. His knee almost jolted at her touch. He wanted her to leave her hand there forever. The world around him shrank until it was only him and Rosa sitting together, chatting. The camera crew ceased to exist for that split second in time.

  ‘I’m actually doing better than I’d hoped,’ she said, removing her hand. Did she know what kind of reaction she’d just sparked in him? It was hard for him to concentrate, his mind kept wandering to the idea of her hand returning to his leg. Skimming up his thigh, going higher still, until … Dear Jesus, get a grip. He mentally shook himself. This had never happened to him before, not in his whole time as host of Sea Quest. Think, man. There was a camera trained directly on his face, capturing every emotion he dared let show. He needed to regain control. Now.

  ‘It helps to know I’ve got a couple of people I can really rely on out here. Who’ve got my back,’ she said.

  He fought the urge to clear his throat. Giving himself a second or two to recover, he finally asked, ‘And who are they?’ Thank god there was no tell-tale raspiness to his voice to give him away.

  ‘Well, Jason, of course. He’s kind of like everyone’s dad out here. Like a big teddy bear. But with teeth when he needs them. He can be a tough old bastard when he wants to.’ She threw an affectionate glance towards the campsite, where the older man was re-stocking the wood supply. JJ already knew from watching the footage everyday, how much of a pivotal role Jason played in this team. But hearing Rosa confirm it cemented in his mind that he was indeed reading the relationships within the team correctly. This was good. It was all significant information. Stuff that’d help him later on, when the team eventually came to a conclave.

  ‘And Hayden. He’s my other rock in this game. I don’t know what I’d do if he ever got voted out.’ Even though he’d been expecting her to say something like this, the words still hit him in the solar plexus, stung like he’d been physically struck. She brought her gaze up to meet his. Was that a challenge he saw flaring in the tawny depths of her eyes? Did she know how those words would affect him? She studied him, waiting for his reaction. Which he couldn’t show her. Couldn’t show anyone. He tensed his large thighs, quelling the urge to just get up and walk away.

  ‘Why is he such a big influence on you?’ he managed to ask, shifting
his gaze away from those penetrating eyes by pretending to re-adjust his hat.

  ‘He plays with such integrity. And some of that integrity rubs off onto me. Which is a good thing in this game, where avarice and deceit seem to rule. Plus he’s just an all-round nice guy.’ Rosa was still staring at him. Daring him to ask the question they both knew hovered on his lips. What else did Hayden mean to her? Were they in a relationship? Having sex? Something uncoiled deep within his belly at that thought. Something dark and dangerous. Jesus, the thought made him want to stomp around and break something. He drew in a slow breath.

  ‘So are you in an alliance with either of them?’ he asked. This was the safe version of the question. The one he wasn’t sure he wanted an answer to. The one he wasn’t sure Rosa would give a truthful answer to. Nigel would probably have something to say about JJ not going in for the kill, but at this point JJ didn’t give a shit what the director thought. But her answer surprised him.

  ‘I’m not in an alliance with anyone, I don’t believe in them. What I do believe in is personal interactions, making connections with people. Perhaps you could say I’m more of a social player.’ JJ hadn’t really thought about it like that before. He’d always concentrated on her physical attributes when it came to the game. Rosa did well in all the knockouts, had a strong competitive steak and with her karate training managed to give the men a run for their money. But now she mentioned it, she was indeed forming strong social bonds within her team as well. She certainly had Jason and Hayden tied around her little finger and she also had a strong friendship with the only other woman left in this team, Susan.

  ‘Everyone needs to feel safe, to know that at least one person has their back. I need that as much as the next person. And I think the contestants who form those bonds do better in the long-run than the loners. The ones who think they don’t need anyone and they can still win the game.’

  ‘I see,’ he hedged, still not sure where she was going with her comments.

  ‘Take me and Hayden for instance. I think it’s safe to say I’ve never been closer to another man in my life.’ Something lodged in his throat at her words. ‘I mean we sleep together every night, he’s like my own personal hot-water-bottle.’ She laughed. ‘But …’ Hesitating for a second she cast a glance out to sea, looking for inspiration in the waves. ‘This island makes you feel things, think things you’d never normally do or say on the outside. It’s all so intense and primitive. What matters here and now, won’t necessarily matter so much when we get back to reality.’ He watched her intently. She was trying to tell him something, he could see that by the earnestness on her face, even though she was still staring out at the ocean. Then she gave a little shrug and clamped her lips together, childlike, and he got the impression that was all she was going to say on the subject.

  The cameraman gave a cough and JJ started slightly. They needed to move onto the next interview. Time was running out.

  ‘Right,’ he said, rising from his log. ‘Thanks, Rosa. I think we’ll finish it there.’

  ‘Thank you, JJ,’ she said in her bright, cheery voice. Then she leapt off the rock and gave him a swift, tight hug, before bounding back towards the campsite. He swayed slightly on his feet. Bloody woman. How in hell was he ever meant to keep up with the way she constantly surprised him.

  ‘I’ll send Hayden over,’ she called to him over her shoulder.

  ‘Great,’ he growled, to no one in particular. The last thing he needed was to sit here for the next twenty minutes, firing questions at that man, while having to stamp on the itch telling him to just go ahead and punch him in the face. What he needed was to get back to the resort and go straight to the gym. Work out all of that angry tension begging for release from muscles tight as a drum. If he spent a couple of hours in the gym then he might just be able to control that impulse to tear Hayden limb from limb. And he might also find the answer to the cryptic comments Rosa had given him.

  ‘Hi, JJ, good to catch up with you again.’ It was Hayden, standing in front of him, hand extended, open smile on his face. JJ shook the man’s hand and they both sat down. His handshake had been firm and blameless. Hayden’s brown eyes were sincere and welcoming as he sat waiting for the first question. Fuck it. The man really was an all-round nice guy. Why did he have to be so goddamned likeable?

  Clearing his throat, JJ asked the first question that came to mind. ‘The Nightrebels have won the last two knockouts in a row. How do you think that’s effecting morale?’

  Hayden lifted one eyebrow in thought and then launched in a long-winded answer. JJ sighed quietly. He’d known this interview was going to be hard, but he’d never realised just how hard until this very second.


  ‘Drop your bandanas, everyone, it’s time for your teams to join.’

  Rosa clapped her hands together with excitement and there were yells and whoops from both teams as JJ started throwing out new bandanas to everyone.

  ‘The name of your new team is Moonrakers,’ JJ said, raising his voice to be heard over the hubbub of learning names and congratulations as the two teams came together in a tangle of hugs and handshakes and introductions. Rosa had never doubted she’d make it this far, but it was still great to hear those words come out of JJ’s mouth. Day twenty four already. They were on the downward slide to the end of the game from here.

  ‘Hello, I’m Cilla Parsons. Great to meet you.’ An athletic brunette, only slightly taller than Rosa held out a hand in greeting. Cilla’s reputation preceded her, much of the rumour and innuendo from the Dawnbreakers team had reached Nightrebels’ ears through the jungle grapevine. Cilla was the one who caught most of the fish for the other team. She was also a strong, determined and stubborn woman. Rosa already liked Cilla and she grabbed her in an ebullient hug.

  ‘I’m Rosa Avelino. Great to meet you, too.’ Before she had time to say anything more, Hayden bustled her out of the way, introducing himself to their new team member and pushing Rosa further along the line to meet the next person, a very tall, very dark, very handsome man called Tam. She found herself gathered up into the stranger’s arms for a bear hug. This fledgling team would put many of the old friendships and alliances to the test. Some people thought change was a danger to the equilibrium, but Rosa took it as a challenge. One to be met and conquered.

  She moved further into the crowd of people to be met by the friendly African American woman with enormous breasts and a personality to match, Alicia. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Hayden receive Tam’s handshake, his familiar wide grin spreading over his face. But below Hayden’s genial smile he was sizing Tam up, deciding just how much of a threat he might be in this game.

  ‘Your new campsite will be in the old Nightrebels area. Their shelter is solid and they have a tarpaulin, which will keep you much drier,’ JJ said. His voice was almost lost in the gusts of wind that were now whipping in off the ocean. Wow, if their campsite was the better of the two, Rosa hated to think how bad it must’ve been at the Dawnbreakers’ camp.

  ‘You’ll find a surprise waiting for you when you return.’

  ‘Food?’ squealed Rosa, turning towards JJ.

  ‘Yes, Rosa, food,’ he replied with a smile, his voice almost gentle. He had to use one hand to hold onto his hat as a particularly strong gust of wind hit them. ‘There’s a pirate’s feast waiting for you back at camp.’ Rosa wanted to go up and hug JJ at the relief of hearing those words, but instead she jumped around like a demented three year old at the thought of some real, decent, proper food. Food would be good. Food would be great. But it wasn’t so much the extra nutrition her body was craving, as the promise of something novel for her tastebuds, a break from the monotony of rice and beans, mixed with the occasional mussel or snail or crab they managed to catch. In fact, her body was doing surprisingly well on their limited diet. Almost as if she’d been made for this kind of level of adversity. She didn’t seem to be suffering quite as much as the others when it came to fatigue and feelings of we
akness, and she’d never even once felt lightheaded, as Jason kept complaining of. She was definitely hungry, of that there could be no doubt. But it was almost as if she was gaining clarity because of her fasting, like she were some kind of Buddhist monk or something else equally outrageous. Which was completely stupid.

  ‘You should probably hurry back to camp and make the most of the food while you can. It’s about to get very wet around here,’ JJ’s voice broke through her thoughts. Rosa glanced up, and for the first time today noticed there were indeed ominous clouds forming around the horizon, dark grey and puffed with moisture. JJ tipped his gaze towards the sky, a thoughtful frown replacing his usual dimpled smile. He was worried. Her exuberance deflated. If he was worried, then they should all probably be worried.

  Jason’s voice broke into the murmurings. ‘We should all get going then.’ His lips thinned as he gave a quick glance at the looming clouds, catching some of JJ’s anxiety. Then he took off in the direction of their camp and everyone else slotted into line behind him. They were almost jogging the pace was so fast.

  Rosa let her legs take over the job of getting her to camp as her mind wandered. To the topic most often there. JJ. And what she should do about him. And her. And them. Was there a them? Of course there wasn’t a them. But there could be. If she wanted it. She knew it was true. It wouldn’t take a lot of persuasion on her part to bring JJ around.

  His reaction the other day, when he’d interviewed her and Hayden had cemented the fact in her head. The way he’d jumped when she’d touched his knee, as if she’d hit him with a lick of flame rather than just her hand. The way his mouth tightened, the muscles along his jawbone going rigid, when she talked about Hayden keeping her warm at night. Oh yes, he was jealous all right. She’d been wrong on that count. He was more than capable of that emotion. Being a SEAL hadn’t cleansed him of that inclination as she’d first thought.